Parking & Transportation

Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

The program allows fuel-efficient vehicles to park in specially designated spaces on Mason campuses. The program continues to develop and we are happy to have this program available for Arlington students.

  • To see if your vehicle qualifies as a fuel-efficient vehicle, please review the List of LEED vehicles. Your vehicle must be on the list and have a score of +45 or higher.
  • If you drive a secondary vehicle that is not on the list you may not use your supplementary permit with it and park in the fuel-efficient space that day.
  • If your vehicle does qualify, please bring your vehicle registration to parking services and you will be issued a supplementary permit that will allow you to park in any of the spaces listed below.
  • In order to park in a lot or deck, you must have the proper primary permit for that location (i.e. a surface lot permit holder may not park in the deck).
  • Please note that parking in the fuel-efficient spaces is based on a first-come, first-served basis and there is no guarantee of a preferred space.
  • We encourage everyone who drives a fuel-efficient vehicle that qualifies to participate in this program and help support Mason’s green initiatives and sustainability programs.

Fairfax Campus (Program for Faculty/Staff Only):

  • Cabrera Global Center Garage – 2 spaces
  • Mason Pond Drive – 10 spaces
  • Lot A – 8 spaces
  • Mason Pond Garage (Level 3) – 6 spaces
  • Rappahannock River Garage (southeast corner on Level 1) – 14 spaces
  • Shenandoah Parking Garage (Level 3) – 9 spaces

Science and Technology Campus (Program for Faculty/Staff Only):

  • Occoquan Lot – 4 spaces
  • King Lot – 2 spaces
  • Discovery Lot – 2 spaces
  • Hylton Lot – 2 spaces
  • Beacon Hall Resident Lot – 6 spaces

Mason Square (Program for Faculty/Staff and Students):

  • Vernon Smith Parking Deck (P1 level) – 10 spaces
  • Van Metre Hall Garage – 20 spaces

Charging stations are located in the visitor section of the Mason Pond, Shenandoah, Rappahannock River, and Global Center parking decks on the Fairfax Campus. There are also charging stations located at level B2 of the Van Metre Hall Garage on Mason Square.

  • You must register with ChargePoint in advance to use the charging stations. Please visit their website to learn about membership.
  • Visitors—Users will pay the normal prevailing visitor parking rates.
  • Mason Permit Holders—Electric vehicles must be registered under your account with Parking Services and you must have a valid George Mason Parking permit in order to qualify for the benefits listed below (West Campus, Lot M&P, and specialty permits excluded).
  • Your vehicle must be plugged in and actively charging to be parked in an EV charging space.

Charging Station Fee

Effective September 1, 2023, the following fees will be charged for the use of the electric vehicle charging stations in addition to any visitor or permit fees:

  • $1/hour for the first four hours
  • $3/hour after four hours

Mason Pond Parking Deck (Fairfax Campus)

Please complete the EV Charging Station Validation Form to receive complimentary validations to access the parking decks. When these validations are running low, you can request another block by using the same form again.

  • You will be issued all-day validations. Please allow one business day for processing.
  • There are three 2-port, level 2 stations in Mason Pond Deck.
  • To pick up your parking validations, go to the Parking Services office, located next to the Shenandoah Parking Deck, with your Mason ID.
  • How to Use: To use the validations, drive into the visitor section and pull a ticket. When you are done charging your vehicle and exit the deck, scan the parking ticket and one of the validations.

Rappahannock Parking Deck (Fairfax Campus)

  • George Mason permit holders may enter and exit the Rappahannock Parking Deck’s Visitors Section without validation.
  • There are five 2-port, level 2 stations at the ground level of the Visitor Section.

Shenandoah Parking Deck (Fairfax Campus)

  • George Mason permit holders may enter and exit the Rappahannock or Shenandoah Parking Deck’s Visitors Section without validation.
  • There are three 2-port, level 2 stations at the ground level of the Visitor Section.

Angel Cabrera Global Center (Fairfax Campus)

  • George Mason permit holders may enter and exit to use the charging station.
  • There is one, 2-port, level 2 charging station at the Global Center.

Van Metre Hall Parking Deck (Mason Square)

Please complete the EV Charging Station Validation Form to receive complimentary validations to access the parking deck. When these validations are running low you can request another block by using this same form.

  • You will be issued all-day validations. Please allow one business day for processing.
  • To pick up your validations, go to Parking Services (Located in Van Metre Hall, room 219) with your Mason ID.
  • There are three 2-port, level 2 stations located on the B2 level (drive past the ramp to the next level and take a right).
  • How to Use: To use the validations, drive into the visitor section and pull a ticket. When you are done charging your vehicle and exit the deck, scan the parking ticket and one of the validations.

Patriots Spring Break

Travel Guide

Check out travel options, directions to area airports and transit centers, and updates on George Mason shuttles. Choose the one that’s right for you!