Inclement Weather
If Mason is open while it is snowing or after it snows, normally regular parking rules will be in effect. However, in advance of snow storms, Mason may require all vehicles to be cleared from surface lots and parked in garages which will be opened to accommodate everyone. Not moving one’s car in such a situation will lead to being cited and towed. It is important to pay attention to emails from Parking & Transportation as well as Mason Alert.
If you are looking for FAQs associated with virtual permits, please visit the virtual permit FAQ.
Parking permits will now be virtual and can be purchased through the Parking Portal. The permits will be valid immediately after purchase, and you register your license plate to your permit. Visit the virtual permit page for more information.
Parking permits will now be virtual, so you will not be provided with a physical hangtag. Instead, your license plate is your permit. Once you have purchased a permit online and registered your license plate, you immediately have access to park on campus in the lot or garages allowable per the regulations associated with your permit type. Visit the virtual permit page for more information.
Switching permits is permissible based on permit availability. If you would like to switch your permit, please submit a permit exchange/cancellation request form. Depending on which lot or garage you will be switching to, you may have to pay a fee. For switching to permits at the same price, a $15 fee is charged. If upgrading, one will pay the difference in price.
Entering or exiting the parking decks or garages requires scanning a QR code. To print the QR code or save it on your phone:
- Log in to your Parking Portal with your Mason NetID.
- On the Menu Bar, click “Permits” and then select “View Your Permits.”
- Next, click on your Permit Number to view the permit detail and associated vehicles.
- Scroll to the bottom of the permit detail, and select “Print Permit.”
- The QR code can be found on the permit receipt.
If you would like to obtain an access device, visit the Parking Services Office located on the same campus as your parking deck permit. Each access device is unique to each parking deck. For example, you won’t be able to use an access device from the Mason Pond Parking Deck to enter the Van Metre Parking Garage.
You can park your vehicle on campus immediately during the permit activation period. Please make sure your vehicle is associated with the permit.
Yes. Individuals who are taking classes at Mason and qualify for the senior tuition waiver are eligible for a complimentary semester General parking permit. To redeem your complimentary semester General parking pass, please bring in your financial summary from the Cashier’s office, your Mason ID, and your vehicle registration to the Parking Services office.
Complimentary 30-minute parking is available on the first level of Shenandoah Parking Deck.
Parking overnight is not permissible in the General permit parking area of the Rappahannock River Deck between 2:00 am – 5:00 am Monday through Friday.
Otherwise parking on campus with a valid George Mason parking pass in your designated area is permitted overnight and on weekends. Complimentary weekend Lot K permits may be purchased at no cost online at
Go to Parking Permit Regulations for more information.
Appeals can be filed online, at no cost, within 7 calendar days of the issue date of the citation. If one wishes to file an appeal after the seven calendar days have passed, a written appeal can be submitted in person, at the Parking Services office. A late appeal fee of $15 will be assessed. No appeals will be considered more than thirty calendar days after issuance of the citation.
To pay or appeal your citation online please follow the instructions below:
- Click Pay or Appeal Your Citation.
- Scroll down, enter your citation number & your license plate information into the appropriate fields, then click “Search Citations”
- If you are a Mason student or faculty/staff, click “Affiliated Login,” then login with your Net ID and password. Otherwise use “Guest Login” and create your own unique id and password.
***You will be contacted via email within 3-5 business days once a decision has been made.
Go to the Visitor Parking page for more information.
Please ensure you are using the correct access device issued to you by Parking Services for the correct parking deck or garage. If your access device is still not working, please use the intercom during business hours to seek assistance.
Please contact the Parking Services Office on the same campus to resolve your access device malfunction.
The Citation Diversion Program (CDP) is an online educational quiz that Mason students, faculty, and staff may take when they receive a parking citation for eligible citations. If a citation individual complete the CDP with a passing grade, then their parking fine will be excused in its entirety for eligible citations. Conditions apply. For all of the details, please visit the Citation Diversion webpage.
A West Campus shuttle operates in fall and spring semesters. Please go to the West Campus Shuttle page for more information.