Parking & Transportation

Spring Break Transportation Options

Spring Break

Parking & Transportation Update

Whether you plan to travel afar or stay locally, check out information on various ridesharing options, George Mason shuttles, and parking information.

Choose your spring break plan

Travel Information

If you plan to be away from George Mason, check out the transportation options below. Public transit is accessible via the George Mason Shuttle Sandy Creek/Vienna Metro route or the CUE Bus.

Regional Shuttles

Book a one-way or round trip between Fairfax Campus and major cities at a special price, exclusively for our Patriots!

Area Airports

Area airports are accessible via public transportation, Super Shuttle, Uber/Lyft, or taxi. Follow the link below for details on how to get to and from the airports in the area.

Mason Commutes

Looking for a ride home for the holiday? Commute together and share the driving and the costs! Propose a trip or request rides on Mason Commutes, the go-to place for George Mason ridesharing.

Public Transit

Union Station is a hub for train and regional bus services. Students can take the George Mason Shuttle or CUE Bus to Vienna Station (orange line) and transfer to the red line at the Metro Center to reach Union Station.

Holiday schedules vary. Please check in advance.

Area Airports

Area airports are accessible via public transportation, Super Shuttle, Uber/Lyft, or taxi. Follow the link below for details on how to get to and from the airports in the area.

Mason Commutes

Looking for a ride home for the holiday? Commute together and share the driving and the costs! Propose a trip or request rides on Mason Commutes, the go-to place for Mason ridesharing.

Public Transit

Union Station is a hub for train and regional bus services. Students can take the Mason Shuttle or CUE Bus to Vienna Station (orange line) and transfer to the red line at the Metro Center to reach Union Station.

Holiday schedules vary. Please check in advance.

Stay Local

George Mason shuttles and parking on campus will have temporary changes during spring break. Plan ahead on your trips to grocery stores, restaurants, and beyond.

George Mason Shuttles

If you plan to stay on campus or in the area, George Mason shuttles offer limited ride services with modified schedules.


The CUE Bus is an alternative and departs from Rappahannock River Lane. All routes end at Vienna Metro. Free for the public. Visit CUE Bus for a map and schedules.

Parking Update

Check out the latest parking information and spring permit sales information.

Parking Updates

All Permit Holders

Starting Thursday, March 6, at 8 pm, overnight parking restrictions will be temporarily lifted in Rappahannock Parking Deck levels 1 & 2, except the segregated visitor area/paid parking.

  • Enforcement of overnight restrictions will resume at 2 am on Monday, March 17.
  • Enforcement of normal parking regulations will resume at 7 am on Monday, March 17.

To leave your vehicle on campus over winter break, please park on permit levels 1-2 in Rappahannock Parking Deck in case of inclement weather.

West Campus, General Resident Lite, and Lot M/P permit holders must move their vehicles back to designated parking spaces at 7 am on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

West Campus
General Resident Lite
Lot M/P Permit Holders

Starting Thursday, March 6, the following permits are valid in student general parking areas on the east/main campus, including Rappahannock Parking Deck (Permit Levels 1-2), lots A, C, L, and K:

  • General Resident Lite and Lot M/P permits (effective at 5 pm)
  • West Campus permit (effective at 8 pm)

Valid until 7 am, Monday, March 17, 2025

Spring Permits

Permit Options:

Permit Sale Dates:

  • Seniors/Graduate Students/Faculty/Staff – Monday, January 6, 2025, 8 am ET
  • Juniors/Sophomores – Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 8 am ET
  • Freshmen and Others – Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 8 am ET