Parking & Transportation

Bicycle Programs

How Do I Register My Bicycle/Scooter?

  • Gather the following information about your bicycle/scooter: make, model, serial number, color, bike size, type, and any other identifiers (if you’re not sure where to find this info, contact our office).
  • Fill out the Bicycle/Scooter Registration Form.
  •  You will complete the registration process by coming into one of the parking services offices. We will have a registration sticker, complimentary U-lock, bike safety information, and other biking-related giveaways available for you to pick up.
    • Fairfax Campus – Nottoway Annex, Phone: (703) 993-2828
    • Mason Square – Van Metre Hall, Room 219, Phone: (703) 993-8146
    • Science and Technology Campus – Colgan Hall, Room 112, Phone: (703) 993-4808
  • Once you pick up your bike kit, please place the registration sticker on your bike or scooter as directed in the diagrams below. All Mason registration stickers must be located in the same place for consistency across the program and ease of finding your registration sticker if needed.

Students, faculty, and staff who live off-campus and do not own a parking permit will also receive 2 daily complimentary parking passes* per semester upon registering their bicycle or scooter. The 2 daily complimentary parking passes can be used for parking in general lots on campus. Please request your parking passes when you are picking up your bike kit. Complimentary daily passes cannot be given to another person for use.

* Virtual permits will not immediately impact these programs as we will continue to issue complimentary hangtags. This will be phased out over time, and we will eventually be issuing virtual permits/validations as the incentive. Please continue to check this space for updates.

  • For students, the registration is valid for 5 years.
  • For faculty and staff, the registration is valid for the duration of employment.
  • Bicycle/Scooter registration helps to keep track of how many bicycles and scooters are on campus, and it helps us provide you with more programs, racks, and infrastructure.
  • If your bike/scooter is registered with us, we can assist you if you need to have your lock removed for any reason (e.g. it rusted, you forgot the combination, etc.). We cannot assist you if your bike/scooter is not registered with Mason.
  • You can be contacted if your bicycle/scooter needs to be moved or if we have a special announcement for cyclists/scooters on campus.
  • If a registered bike/scooter is stolen and recovered, it can more easily be returned to its owner.
  • Having a registration sticker on your bicycle/scooter acts as a theft deterrent (the stickers are specially designed and are very difficult to remove).

The Bicycle Commuter Choice rewards Mason faculty and staff for cycling to work. To participate and receive these great incentives, please read the information on this page and complete the Bicycle Commuter Program Form.

What You Need to Know

All full-time and part-time faculty and staff are eligible. You must be actively employed at Mason at the time of the quarterly pay out to receive it.

The Bicycle Commuter Program Form must be submitted quarterly and no later than the 15th of the month following the end of the quarter to receive the incentive for that quarter.

  • Q1 (January 1 – March 31) – due by April 15
  • Q2 (April 1 – June 30) – due by July 15
  • Q3 (July 1 – September 30) – due by October 15
  • Q4 (October 1 – December 31) – due by January 15 (following tax year)

Incentives are processed through HR & Payroll and all incentives are taxable including:

  • The quarterly financial incentive
  • Complimentary parking passes/validations used (valued at $8 each)
  • The funds for the complimentary bike check (Tiers 2 and 3 only).  Please note: Funds for the complimentary bike check ($100 for Tier 2 and $200 for Tier 3) will be paid annually as part of the Q4 benefit.
  • Quarter 4 (October through December) incentives will be part of the following year’s taxable income.
  • Because the incentives must be administratively reconciled in Parking and Transportation and processed through HR & Payroll, we will not accept late submissions.


Program Opportunities

Tier 1 Tier 2Tier 3
Quarterly Required Rides for a Financial Incentive5 rides
Ride #1 = $10
Rides #2-5 = $5 each
Maximum: $30
15 rides
24 rides
36 rides
Annual Bike Check (Value $200)N/AN/A50% off
(Value $100)
(Value $200)
Quarterly Complimentary Daily Parking Passes
(Taxable item, request as needed)
Quarterly Distance Bonus
(> 10 miles One Way)
Complimentary Access to Showers
Van Metre Hall, Merten Hall, Aquatics Fitness Center, RAC
Maximum Annual Benefit

Daily Parking Passes ($11)
Financial Incentives
Distance Bonus (if eligible)
Bike Check Subsidy





Complimentary Parking Passes

All Bike Commuter Choice participants are eligible to receive their tier level of daily parking passes or validations per quarter by emailing [email protected].

  • Daily general passes* ($11.50 value) are good for one day in any general lot all day. Complimentary daily passes cannot be given to another person for use.
  • Parking validation ($19) is also good for the day in any parking deck but does not allow reentry privileges. Once you leave before the time has expired, you lose the remaining time on the validation. Complimentary validations cannot be given to another person for use.

* Virtual permits will not immediately impact these programs as we will continue to issue complimentary hangtags. This will be phased out over time, and we will eventually be issuing virtual permits/validations as the incentive. Please continue to check this space for updates.

Register your bike to receive a free on-guard U-lock and bike lights.

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Parking Passes per Year12243648
Parking Pass Annual Value$138$276$414$552
Garage Validations per Year7152229
Validation Annual Value$138$276$414$552

Daily Permits Terms & Conditions

  • Permits expire on August 31 of each year. Parking validations have no expiration date.
  • You will be taxed in the quarter you request the permits or validations. To ensure that you are not taxed on passes/validations you do not use, please order them by emailing [email protected] as you need them.
  • Up to six introductory parking permits will be provided in your first quarter in the program (2 per month of the first quarter). The number you receive will be based upon when in the first quarter you apply to the program. After that, the number of parking permits will be based on the previous quarter’s report.
    • If you would like to receive validations instead of general lot permits, please let us know. The number of validations received will be lower because the validation value is higher than the lot permit value.
  • When using a permit, be sure to enter the date of the day on which you are parking on the permit. You will receive a citation if you do not enter the date when you are using the permit.
  • Complimentary permits and validations cannot be given to another person for use.

Frequently Asked Questions

All part- or full-time faculty and staff are eligible to participate.

Yes. Your bike rides using Capital Bikeshare will count toward your BCC rides. The cost of the membership is not covered in the program.

You can definitely use a scooter to get to work but scooters are not included in the BCC Program.

Yes, rides using an electric assist bicycle do count in the BCC Program.

Yes, you can participate in both programs. They are two separate programs however and must remain separate because Bike Commuter Choice is taxable and Commuter Choice is tax-free.

The Bike Commuter Choice Program is completely taxable. All the funds you receive for participating, along with the value of any complimentary parking passes/validations you receive as part of the program, are taxable. The amounts are submitted to HR and Payroll each quarter and are then added to your paycheck.

If you record a day on your BCC as having ridden to work, it means you completed two legs of your journey – to and from work. If you only complete one, that’s ok, but you have to complete another leg, to or from work, to record the full day.

Each time you complete a box with a date on the form, you are certifying that you have ridden two legs of the journey. If the two legs of the journey are completed on two different dates, use the date of the second leg.

Using a multi-modal route to work is terrific. But, you can’t receive support from two different programs for the same commute. You will have to decide whether to report the trip through the Commuter Choice program and receive funds to cover the cost of the public transportation portion of your trip (Note the IRS limit of $300/month) or report your trip as a Bike Commuter Choice trip.

You must be actively employed at Mason at the time of the quarterly pay out to receive it.

This pilot is brought to the Mason community by Mason Recreation, the Office of Sustainability, and Parking & Transportation. The Recreation & Athletic Complex (RAC) and Aquatics Center (AFC) have 20 bikes available for checkout at no cost with your valid Mason ID.

Checkout & Return Locations
The Recreation & Athletic Complex (RAC)
Aquatics Center (AFC)

One-day Checkout
Monday – Thursday

Overnight Checkout
Friday – Sunday (Return Sunday evening)

Unavailable Dates:
First Wednesday and Thursday of each month (Bike Maintenance)

How to Apply

  • Complete a one-time initial agreement online. The terms of the agreement are in effect each time you ride.
  • Submit bike checkout online and pick up the bike at RAC or AFC.
  • Track bike availability and your user history online.
  • Return the bike at RAC or AFC before the expiration time.
  • Since this is a pilot program, your feedback is invaluable. Please share your experience with us at [email protected].

George Mason University has joined the Capital Bikeshare University Program, which offers enrolled students discounted $25 Capital Bikeshare annual memberships. Participating students will save money on transportation costs, gain access to affordable transportation that supports a healthy lifestyle, and is available 24 hours a day.

With more than 5,400 bikes available at more than 700 stations, including a station outside of Mason Square at Fairfax Drive and Kenmore Street, students can ride to classes and myriad other destinations.

Station Locations

  • Fairfax Campus (3 stations)
    • Rappahannock River Lane (Next to Merten Hall and the shuttle shelters)
    • York River Road/Patriot Circle (Outside the Nguyen Engineering building and across from the Aquatics & Fitness Center)
    • Horizon Hall (Between Horizon Hall and Harris Theater)
  • City of Fairfax stations
  • Fairfax County stations

Locate a Bike or Station: Use Capital Bikeshare’s interactive map

Questions? Contact Lyft’s customer service

The discount is open to all currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at all campuses, and students must use their university email to join.

Your primary role must be that of a student to be eligible for the discount. Faculty/Staff who are also students are not eligible for the student discount.

A Capital Bikeshare annual membership includes

  • unlimited Classic Bike rides under 45 minutes for free and longer rides for an additional fee.
  • E-Bikes are now available for $0.10/minute and can be locked up outside of regular docking stations for $2.
  • Members can also buy a discounted helmet, attend a Washington Area Bicyclist Association Confident City Cycling class for free, and receive discounts from partners across the region.

How to Apply

  • Step 1: Visit the Capital Bikeshare Website (Mason Students Only) and log in or join with your personal email address.
  • Step 2: Under “Membership,” click “View Details.” Then, click “Enter Promo Code.”
  • Step 3: Enter your code “bikemason24” in the pop-up and click “Submit”
  • Step 4: If you’re asked to verify your email, follow the redirect to enter your work email address and click “Verify.” An email will be sent to complete verification.
  • Step 5: Once verified, you can finish signing up with your discounted rate.

If you’re already a Capital Bikeshare member, turn off auto-renew by logging into your Capital Bikeshare account. Once your membership expires, you can use your promo code.

If you already have a discounted membership, you can use your promo code to renew your membership starting 30 days before your plan ends.

  • Download the Capital Bikeshare app to take out a bike.
  • Return the bike to any station and dock it to complete your trip.
  • A green light appears on the dock when the bike is securely properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re an existing Capital Bikeshare member, you need to wait until your current membership expires to sign up for the discounted membership. The discount cannot be retroactively applied.

Rides on Classic Bikes under 45 minutes are free with a membership. Usage fees of $0.05/minute apply for extended time. Rides on e-bikes incur a $0.10/minute usage fee. There is also a $2 charge to lock an e-bike outside of a station. To avoid any unexpected fees, make sure the green light activates on the dock once you return the bike.

Your annual membership begins as soon as you complete registration and submit payment.

If you no longer attend the University, your membership will remain active until its expiration date. If you renew your membership the following year, you will not automatically receive the discount.

If you’re having problems with a bike, docking station, key, or charges to your account, reach out to Capital Bikeshare at 1-877-430-BIKE. Capital Bikeshare has an extensive help section to learn more.

Bike Volunteer Program

For campus community members who need assistance in mapping a bike route to Mason, please contact our bike volunteers for help. To sign up to volunteer, email [email protected].

NameEmailBike Route Area
Bine, Kathy[email protected]ZIP Code 22031
(near the Vienna and Dunn Loring Metro Stations to the Fairfax Campus)
Herin, Greta Ann[email protected]ZIP Codes 22032
and 22015
Kargbo, Ibrahim[email protected]Reston area
Kwartin, Bob[email protected]ZIP Code 22182 (Wolf Trap and North Vienna area)
Rebhuhn-glanz, Rebecca[email protected]Between West Drive
(off Route 123 in Fairfax City) and the Fairfax Campus
Snodgrass, Paul[email protected]Assistance to Mason Square (Arlington)
from South Arlington, Alexandria, as well as points west using the W&OD trail. Can assist riders from North Arlington and DC as well.
Sokolov, Vadim[email protected]ZIP Code 22032
(near Twinbrook and Braddock)
White, Dominic[email protected]To the Fairfax campus from southern Alexandria, Springfield, and Huntington

For All Cyclists

Mason Square

  • Van Metre Hall (at the bike rack on the B2 level of Van Metre garage)*

Fairfax Campus

  • Commonwealth (west side, next to bike shelter)*
  • Field House (north side, in the bike shelter)
  • Innovation Hall (south side of the building)*
  • Johnson Center (east side, not far from Panera)
  • Mason Pond Parking Deck (east side, level 3, near the bike shelter)
  • Northern Neck (near Starbucks)
  • Sandy Creek Transit Center

SciTech Campus

  • Colgan Hall (south side near the exit by Mercer Library)*

An asterisk means there is both a bike pump and a bike fix-it station at the location.

E-Bike Cyclists & Scooter Riders

No outdoor outlet can be used for charging unless it is specifically signed for use.

There are nine (9) approved outdoor outlets on the Fairfax Campus where these devices may be charged. Conditions apply:

  • You must register your vehicle with Parking and Transportation to use any of the approved outlets. Visit the Bicycle/Scooter Registration tab for registration details.
  • Outlets are used at your own risk.
  • Stay with your vehicle when charging.
  • Unattended and/or unregistered vehicles will be impounded.

The approved locations for charging are identified with signage, and they are:

Nottoway Annex (Parking Lot C; east end of the building)








Commonwealth Hall (east end of the building)








Between Rogers and Whitetop (low wall)








Whitetop Loading Area








Whitetop (lamp post adjacent to Lot I)








Liberty Hall (north end of the building)








Potomac Heights (West end of the building)








Global Center (Garage under building)








Shenandoah Parking Deck (Level 3 near vehicle entrance)

New to Biking

Patriots Spring Break

Travel Guide

Check out travel options, directions to area airports and transit centers, and updates on George Mason shuttles. Choose the one that’s right for you!