Parking & Transportation

Winter Break: Mason Parking Restrictions Eased, Winter Break Mason Shuttles and Travel Information, and Rappahannock Reserved/Rooftop Winter Sealant Project

Beginning at 5:00pm on Thursday, December 1, 2022, Student General permit parking areas will be available to any valid Mason Parking permit until 11:00pm on Sunday, January 23, 2023.  During this time, you may park in the Student General permit parking areas at all times while displaying a valid Mason parking permit.  This includes the non-restricted parking spaces in Lots A, C, K, L, M, O, P, PV and the General permit area of the Rappahannock Parking Deck (Levels 1 & 2 with the exception of the segregated visitor area).  All faculty/staff and other parking areas designated by signage will still be enforced.

If you are planning on leaving your vehicle on campus during winter break, please do not leave your vehicle in a surface parking lot. Please park your vehicle in the General permit area of the Rappahannock Parking deck, level 4 or levels 1 & 2 (with the exception of the visitor area, where payment is required) or Level 4 of the Shenandoah Parking Deck.  Please do not park on the roof of either parking deck or the ramps leading up to/down from the roofs.

A valid Mason parking permit is still required to park on campus or you may pay for parking in the visitor parking areas.  The expiration date for fall semester permits has been extended through January 23, 2022.

For West Campus shuttle changes for Winter Break visit the Winter Break Shuttle Summary.

Mason Winter Break Transportation Information in One Location

For information on  Mason Shuttles and Off-Campus travel options, please visit the Winter Break Transportation Update.

Mason Rappahannock Reserved/Rooftop Closure for Winter Sealant Project

On Friday, December 16, 2022 the Rappahannock rooftop and both adjoining ramps will be closed for follow up repairs. Please relocate your vehicle within the Rappahannock Parking Deck to level 4 or levels 1 & 2 with the exception of the visitor area (payment required). Please arrange to relocate your vehicle prior to leaving for the winter break. The rooftop is scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.  Vehicles must be moved by noon on 12/16 to enable the repair work so ticketing and towing will be required.

For questions, please contact Parking Services at (703) 993-2710, (703) 993-2828 or email us at [email protected]


Patriots Spring Break

Travel Guide

Check out travel options, directions to area airports and transit centers, and updates on George Mason shuttles. Choose the one that’s right for you!